Top 5 Running Accessories

Running is kind of the best. It gets a bad rap for being boring, but it’s indisputably an amazing form of cardio and requires no equipment. You can fit it in anytime and anywhere you have 30 minutes, and then be done with your exercise for the day!

Even though running doesn’t explicitly require any equipment, there are a few accessories that can make it more bearable, and even fun if you can forget about the whole exercise/being healthy/destroying the cartilage in your knees thing. Here are my top 5:

Top 5 Running Accessories.001

one. two. three. four. five.

1. Bluetooth Headphones (like these, $19.99)

Bluetooth headphones are my absolute #1 favorite running (and also life) accessory of all time. I never realized how restricting a cord attached to your phone could be and these give the flexibility to free up your hands (next item!) and think more about your form, which is particularly helpful on longer runs where your body starts breaking down.

People’s main complaints seems to be around battery life, but even these cheapies from Amazon seem to hold a great charge – I usually get about 6 hours from a full charge and have run a couple of marathons with them, no problem.

2. Running Belt (like this one, $29.99)

I used to carry a ziploc baggie with my phone and a couple of credit cards, in my hands, on 20+ mile runs. When I upgraded to a running belt, I realized the error of my ways. I’ve had a few of them – my main complaint is that they bounce and seem to stretch out – but my most recent favorite is the FlipBelt, which lies very flat and doesn’t bounce at all. Plus it has pockets to accommodate your phone, keys (and even has a hook so they don’t slip out!), and plenty of GUs or jelly beans.

3. Grippable Water Bottle (like this, $10)

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it took me being completely dehydrated (and sometimes delirious) on quite a few long runs to realize how much water I need to replenish as I’m running, especially if you’re taking GUs. Now I carry a water bottle like this no matter how far I’m planning to run, and generally stop to refill 20 oz every 1.5 or 2 miles. I just ordered a 2L Camelback pack for longer runs, but that seems like a little much for under 10 miles.

MapMyRun is helpful to find water fountains if you’re planning out a new or long  (though I’ve found this info isn’t always up to date, so don’t put all your drinking plans in one bottle!) route. When I did my first couple of marathons, I planted water bottles along my route before running it or even stopped at strategic gas stations to buy disposable water bottles if the water fountain situation might be sketchy (like in Paris or Nashville).

4. Nike+ Running App (free)

This is great for tracking runs of all lengths. I use this to map out my long runs ahead of time, but if you run at a consistent pace, the Nike+ app is very accurate and it’s excellent having verbal cues to know how much of the run you have left and when to stop and refuel etc.

5. Fitbit Charge HR ($149.95)

I’ve had a few Fitbits, and the Charge HR is my favorite one so far. Activity trackers are great for encouraging activity in everyday life, tracking runs, and the heart rate especially comes in handy for non-step based workout classes. I’m a personal data junkie, but find it endlessly interesting to how your heart is working during various stages of a workout, and the accompanying app makes it easy to keep track of calories in and out. The competitive aspect of it is also fun – I constantly check on how my family and friends are doing, and the step challenges are responsible for many late night laps around my apartment.

Sidenote: Fitbit also has THE BEST customer service. When I got my first fitbit (the Force), I had an allergic reaction because it contained nickel. They immediately refunded my money and sent me a complimentary replacement of my choosing, the One. I liked that, but kept accidentally putting it through the washer because I’d forget to take it off my bra. I wrote in to customer service and they replaced it for no charge – twice! I finally broke down ang bought a new one when I was salivating over the HR and haven’t regretted it since. After about a year, when the battery didn’t last more than a couple of days, I wrote in again and they sent me a replacement (in a different color!) free of charge. That’s a lot of fitbits for having purchased only one! /end positive rant

Have you tried any of these products? I’m a total gear junkie – and would love to hear your own faves in the comments!


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